Letters to Editor

River Rhythms, French Azilum, PA
Brian Keeler Studio, www.briankeeler.com

Write a Letter to the editor. Help get the word out to others that they don’t have to acquiesce to fracked-gas industrialization. 

Go to the web site of your local publication and see if they accept letters, op-eds, or guest columns.

  • Rules: You letter should be short and strictly adhere to the paper’s word limit. 

  • Submit it according to the paper’s process: There may be a web form for you to use.  Or, you may be able to put your letter in the body of an email. Be aware that an email with an attached document could go to a spam folder. 

  • Timely, by referring to actual recent events and trends.  You might also want to use a recent article or opinion piece that was published in the paper as the springboard for your letter. 

  • Personal: Share how the issue affects you and others.

  • Focused: Choose one central idea and stick to it.

  • Clear: Use simple language and sentences, and avoid jargon. 

  • Accurate: Check your facts.   As a courtesy to the editor, you may want to supply links to your facts, below your letter.

  • Readable: Use short paragraphs (2-4 sentences). This makes the text easier to read, whether it’s in newsprint or on a phone screen.

  • Unifying and persuasive: Think about the views of people who might disagree with you. Look for and highlight common ground. Make it clear why the reader should care about the issue, and provide evidence. 

  • Give your letter a title. If you don’t the press will compose one.  They may not go with your title, but you are better off suggesting one. 

  • Actionable: End your letter with a call to action, e.g., engage with your local municipal officials to ensure they know your views and their options. 

  • Signature: You must supply your first and last name, full address (the press will publish your municipality); and so that the paper can contact you, your email and phone number.  If you are a first-time letter writer to this paper, they may want to call you to make sure you are you. 

  • sample letter can be viewed here.