Suggested Message
Subject: Disapprove Dock 2
Governor Wolf,
At the next meeting of the Delaware River Basin Commission, I urge you to vote to disapprove the Dock 2 project, Docket D-2017-009-2, of Delaware River Partners LLC (New Fortress Energy LLC) to build an export terminal for liquified natural gas (LNG).
New Fortress Energy, through its subsidiaries, plans to manufacture LNG in Bradford County and transport this highly flammable material overland for 180-200 miles though potentially twelve Pennsylvania counties on congested highways and through neighborhoods and business districts. We must not allow this project to go forward to put our communities at risk of catastrophic property damage and loss of life.
It is not the role of Pennsylvania or any state or the DRBC to put the public at risk in order to save the gas industry from its own over-expansion and leverage. At a time when we should be slowing the extraction and use of carbon-based fuels, the project is contrary to the public interest. We should not be building an LNG export terminal in New Jersey to condemn Pennsylvania to a future economy dependent on gas extraction.
We are aware that your decision as a DRBC Commissioner must be based on the DRBC Compact of 1961, a document developed at a time when there was no unconventional gas extraction and no LNG-for-export business. Upon consulting the Compact, we see references to public safety and to pollution control. Protection of public safety and protection from pollution are universal and timeless requirements of a public servant, and consistent with our Pennsylvania Constitution, Article I, Section 27.
Please stand up for Pennsylvania and vote to disapprove Dock 2.